AI in Dentistry

Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry

In dentistry, AI is helping doctors with tedious tasks such as analyzing imaging and data. This frees up more time for dentists to do their best work.

There are some challenges that lie ahead for the future of AI in Dentistry. One of these is ensuring that AI systems are trustworthy and unbiased.

Tooth Decay

As a technology that was once relegated to advanced robots in science fiction movies, artificial intelligence (AI) has gained momentum in dentistry. It has the potential to make processes more efficient and accurate and to increase access to quality care. It can also help to educate patients on proper oral hygiene and preventative dental practices. However, it is important for dentists to understand that AI can’t replace them. The goal is to enhance, not replace, their work.

One way that AI is helping to improve dental care is by allowing dentists to perform better, faster, and more precise diagnostics. In addition, it is being used to help develop and test new treatments for a variety of oral conditions. This is particularly useful because traditional methods for testing and evaluating new dental products can be time-consuming and cumbersome. AI can help to streamline the process and reduce costs by performing more complex and detailed analysis.

Another area in which artificial intelligence is making a significant impact is in the design and creation of restorations. Many manufacturers offer AI-powered software that assists with the design process. For example, exocad’s CharisideCAD 3.0 includes an AI-based smile design feature that allows clinicians to get to esthetic proposals more quickly by automatically detecting facial features. Similarly, Overjet’s all-in-one platform uses AI to automatically identify oral anatomy and diseases from radiographs, intraoral pictures, and other patient data. The system then analyzes these images and identifies the correct treatment for each patient.

Lastly, AI can also be used to help with the management of office tasks such as scheduling appointments and submitting insurance claims. This frees up dentists’ and staff members’ time so they can focus more on patient care.

Despite the benefits of artificial intelligence in dentistry, some dentists are hesitant to use it due to concerns about job loss or other issues. It is important that dental students get first-hand experience with AI while in school so that they are familiar with potential misuses like relying solely on AI for diagnosis. This familiarity can also help to ensure that AI is used safely and effectively once the dentist is in a clinical setting.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is a major dental health issue that can lead to tooth loss and can also increase the likelihood of other serious medical issues such as cardiovascular disease. Fortunately, it’s an issue that can be prevented with proper oral hygiene and regular checkups. AI can help dentists monitor their patients’ gum health and provide more precise treatment recommendations.

In addition, dental AI can detect cavities that may not be visible to the naked eye during a physical examination or on x-rays. It can also compare current and past x-rays to see if a cavity has grown. These features can reduce human error and lead to better outcomes for patients.

AI has the potential to improve dental care in many ways, from detecting gum disease and cavities to monitoring patient health and reducing administrative tasks such as billing and coding errors. However, it’s important to note that AI is not meant to replace humans, but rather enhance their abilities. For example, a recent clinical study used ML and CV to identify specific sites with and without gingival inflammation, with high sensitivity and specificity that are on par with visual examination by a human dentist.

Additionally, an AI system called Overjet has been shown to be highly accurate when detecting impacted teeth and tartar buildup. In a comparison with the measurements taken by three dentists and an oral radiologist, Overjet’s software produced an average disparity of less than one-third of a millimeter.

Despite the impressive potential of AI in dentistry, there are several barriers that need to be overcome before this technology can reach its full potential. First and foremost, access to quality training data is essential. AI algorithms can only perform accurately if they’re provided with relevant data to learn from. This data needs to be annotated using a HIPAA and FDA compliant image annotation platform, such as V7.

Once this data is available, it can be fed into an ML algorithm to be trained on the subject matter and tested against real world data to determine how accurate its results are. This process will allow us to understand the performance of artificial intelligence in dentistry, and how it can be utilized in the future.


As a powerful tool that can help the dentist diagnose, treat and predict patient outcomes, artificial intelligence is poised to make an impact on every aspect of dental care. AI programs can help identify anomalies more reliably and consistently than human practitioners, speeding up diagnosis and freeing up time to focus on patient care.

While some people fear that the rise of AI means less jobs for dentists, the reality is that it will enhance rather than replace their skills. For example, an AI program that analyzes a radiograph will be able to spot abnormalities more quickly than a human and will also be able to spot problems like caries, bone loss or even existing restorations. This allows the dentist to spend more time focusing on a single patient, ensuring that they are getting the best treatment possible.

AI can also be used to help with diagnostics in areas such as endodontics, periodontal disease, oral cancer and dental implant surgery. For example, a recent study found that an AI system could detect periapical lesions and root fractures with 96% accuracy. This could save dentists time, money and improve the quality of dental care for patients.

Other areas where AI can be useful in dentistry are in the creation of prosthetics such as dentures and crowns. For example, in the case of edentulous patients, an AI system could be used to create a model of the mouth that will allow the dentist to see how the replacement teeth would look in the mouth before they are made. This helps to ensure that the final result will be as close as possible to the original tooth.

Finally, AI can also be helpful in educating patients about the nature of their problem and how it may be treated. This can help to alleviate some of the distrust that is often documented among dental patients and can also increase patient compliance with treatment.

As with any field of medicine, a successful deployment of artificial intelligence in dentistry will require large and accurate data sets. This data can be created by manually labeling radiographs and CBCT scans or, as is increasingly the case, can be sourced from other sources such as intra-oral scanners. To help with this process, a HIPAA and FDA compliant image annotation platform is required. V7 is one such solution, offering the ability to annotate medical images 10x faster than manual methods.


While many patients are already familiar with the benefits of electronic medical records and the ability to access their own MRI and CT scans online, AI is poised to make an even greater impact on their dental health in the near future. From identifying cavities to automatically booking appointments, AI can streamline office processes and allow staff members to focus on providing the best possible patient experience.

AI can also help educate the public about artificial intelligence and dental care, reducing misconceptions about the technology. For example, by using VR simulations to show patients the types of treatment they may receive and the potential outcomes of various procedures, it is possible to reduce anxiety about visiting a dentist while also helping patients understand the importance of good oral hygiene.

Additionally, AI is being used to train dental students. By assisting with radiologic study and allowing them to analyze far more cases than they could on their own, it is possible to accelerate the learning process and help students become more proficient in their diagnosis skills.

It is also possible to use AI to help with the management of dental laboratory work and support research in a variety of other areas. For example, AI is being used to automate the review of manuscript submissions for peer-reviewed journals, which allows editors to concentrate on more important tasks. This can also help to speed up the publishing process and improve overall quality.

The use of AI in medical and dental education is growing, but there are some concerns about the technology. One concern is that it may reduce the amount of time and energy that professors can dedicate to teaching their students. Another concern is that students could become too reliant on AI and neglect their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

While AI has the potential to revolutionize the way that we provide dental care, it is still not ready to replace humans. While it can quickly identify a cavity and recommend the appropriate treatment, recognizing a patient’s reluctance to undergo a procedure and providing them with a comforting explanation will remain a human responsibility.